“Las rejas no matan” song from Mariachi Semblanza

The bars do not kill

In Mexico, as in all Spanish-speaking Latin America, Javier Solis is one of the singers, or cancioneros as he called himself, that have remained in the memory of the people. There are many imitators and says there’s one song he recorded that was not a success and not a cult version.

The Gates do not kill, is one of these songs Javier recorded and you cannot miss in any meeting or canteen of those that love this music bohemian haunt.

This song was composed by Tomas Mendez, born in Fresnillo, Zacatecas. Mendez, even though he always turned to music and composing, made ​​a long journey in various occupations until he came to Mexico City and began working on the squeegee XEW applause as a radio program and where he met many singers and performers who later made ​​famous many of his songs.

For a time as a presenter accompanies the trio The 3 Diamonds and composed a song for them, he also composed a song for The Virgin of Guadalupe interpreted repeatedly by Lola Beltran on December 12th in the homage that is made to the Virgin. Until he, might be said, became the composer for Lola Beltran.

In 1952, the songs “The moon said no”, “Havana”, ” Play the swallows for me”, “three days”, “stab in the back”, “Challenge”, “The train without passengers”, “The bars do not kill “and” Huapango matador” had been disclosed by Lola. Also he composed “Gorrioncillo yellow breast”, “Cucurrucucú dove”, “Paloma Negra” and “Death of a cocker”.

The Songs of Tomas Mendez have become over the years and through many mariachi performers an essential repertoire of popular Mexican music. Songs with very deep images with great force in the interpretation which is a very important feature in our music have given that label that has made us, our partying and late nights, of our festivals and squares in our tradition…

Felipe Ponce, our singer, has that feeling so characteristic and the voice to convey with that magic known for these songs. It is these songs that both mariachis in Barcelona or in the world are to interpret with Mexican flavor to the core.

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