Popular party at Gumiel of Izán – Burgos

Popular party at Gumiel of Izán (Burgos ) Burgos, July 30, 2004

Gumiel of Izán is a town and municipality located in the province of Burgos, autonomous community of Castile and Leon, the riverside county, judicial district of Aranda, city council of the same name.

The people are between the valleys of Gromejón and Puentevilla. There goes the Gromejón River, a tributary of the Douro, which splits into many canals and ditches.

It is not known exactly from where the Gumiel Izán name comes from. It is thought to be of Roman, Gothic or Arabic origin.

The Roman road Clunia – Astúrica passed through the term and there are still two Roman bridges of the era: the San Pedro and San Antonio on Gromejón River.

The first historical document that Gumiel of Izán cited dates from 1042 and it is known that the Arab influence was very important in that area until the middle of the fifteenth century and there have been many names as reminiscent of that era, so it is assumed that the name can come from that time.

It was declared a royal town in 1326 by King Alfonso XIII Alive and confirmed their privileges by his son King Pedro I, the cruel, in 1335.

Grapes and wine are today part of their main crop and culture found within the denomination of origin Ribera Del Duero, and it is an activity with an ancient tradition because even caves and bunkers dating this use are of the Middle Ages.

The historic and artistic center since 1965 and its most important monument is the parish church dedicated to the Virgin Mary is located in the main square.

You can see that these people maintain and work to maintain all traditional festivals as a way to maintain their identity and so, throughout the year festivities that make them so characteristic are held.

In the festivals held in July we participated in a concert organized by one of the associations of the place.

We enjoyed our stay in town, tried the wine and as we are always excited to participate as mariachi, carrying our culture, twinning ways of understanding life through music.


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